The finished product anxiety
When I’m nearing the end of a project I get an anxious feeling that is hard to explain. I want to finish the last few chapters, but at the same time I don’t. I’m suddenly afraid that the ending isn’t as good as I planned, or that I should do something different. I worry that it won’t be as exciting as the rest of the story, and this drags on while I procrastinate and don’t finish.
For me it usually takes me getting excited about the next project to make me buckle down and finish my endings.
Finishing Touches
I’m excited to be in the last stages of rough drafting Hakomi. This is a special project for me because it’s the first Finding Yourself story I have ever done. The main character goes through a lot over the course of this book, and through it all he keeps his optimism, and hit sense of humor.
Writing the main character, Jace, was like getting to know a good friend. Each little imperfection, flaw, or self realization the character experienced I got to as well.
This book is also special because I have always been very comfortable writing action, and quick moving plots. Hakomi is again very different. I wouldn’t say it’s a slow story by any means, but it isn’t a action packed adventure by a conventional definition. it is a story about humans, deeply flawed, and trying hard to find themselves and the meaning behind their lives. I think it’s there that a real lasting connection with the character is made, and all the action and plot serve to shine a light on that human condition.
Next step is sending my 1st draft to my beta readers. Hoping they enjoy Jace and his adventure as much as I do.
For Liberty…
For Liberty… was my first attempt at a thriller concept. It is not the traditional one character caught up in a closing web of intrigue story. instead For Liberty… is 4 stories weaving together to show how interconnected human lives are. It raises the idea that your freedom, wellbeing, and very life may rest on the actions of someone on the other side of the world that you have never even met.
I thought the story was ready to publish, but recently I had the opportunity to spend some time on one of our Navy’s finest Destroyers. One of the stories in For Liberty… takes place on a U.S. Navy Destroyer, and being there made it clear to me that I need to rework some of those parts of the story. I want the look and feel of the book to be authentic and honor the people serving in our Navy.
So For Liberty… has a date with a complete edit, and then off for a scrub and polish before she’s off for the query process.
Back In Action
Well 2016 is over.
It was a very strange year for me filled with big changes in my personal life, and a very busy professional life. I love to write, but sadly it does come second to my job that pays the bills.
I took some time away from my projects to pursue a side adventure into writing, but I’m pleased to say I’m back, and I’m moving forward to my journey to publish my work.
My best efforts seem to come when I’m engrossed in the writing project and so far 2017 has been no different. I’m about 75% done with a rough draft of a new story, and I’ll be posting that adventure as it happens.
Thanks for tuning in!
I feel two ways about querying agents/publishers, it’s the ultimate love hate relationship.
I love querying because it means a project has come to fruition and it finally ready to see the light of day. It’s the stage where you get to craft your 100 word hooks and try to spin the story in some a way that pulls the potential partner in.
It’s the soul-sucking worst because you put yourself out there with something you really believe in and:
a: The potential agent/publisher just leaves it hanging in the void.
b: They hate it and they tell you.
c: (My personal favorite) they tell you it’s too much like another product on the market.
I say all of this because at the end of the day it is worth it to query because sometimes they bite, and an agent or publisher believes in a project as much as you do as the author and it’s beautiful. I have two novels ready to see the light of day and despite the rejections and negative things to come I’m going to take that plunge and put them out there.
Starting the process in October!