On a quiet farm in West Virginia the elderly couple Harold and Edith Thompson maintain a small ranch and a secret that has devastated their lives.
Aboard the naval warship USS Beyeux Commander Sully is determined to prove to the Middle East that America is as committed as ever to keeping the peace. As the safety of his ship, and crew is compromised the crew of the Beyeux are all that stand to prevent a war.
In Washington D.C. Finn Sullivan and Stephani Harper sift through bureaucracy and political intrigue to uncover a 70 year old conspiracy to keep the truth from the American people.
Terrorism, espionage, assassination, and intrigue are just a normal day’s work for Tom and Sam. Members of an ultra secret organization determined to maintain the peace at all costs. Their latest assignment in Karachi Pakistan will end up deciding life or death for hundreds of Americans.
Not all who sacrifice for liberty wear a uniform, or even realize their place in history. As the situation around the world destabilizes, strangers from across the globe will be forced to come together to unravel a conspiracy that will forever alter the future of our country.

Finn, Trent, Stephani, and Segovia work round the clock to uncover the truth behind the attack on the USS Beyeux and conspirators inside the government. Segovia focuses her efforts in recovering agents so deep under cover the organization is unable to track them.
In North Korea a team of agents work to bring about the end of the dictatorship, and finish the mission they have spent most of their careers working toward. Their time is growing short as the conspiracy to cleanse the world begins to affect their mission, and they find themselves caught between their mission, and their desire to return to their homes.
Jamie Stout has a distinguished career of helping her clients through their grief. She has a nearly perfect life, a good job, a loving husband, and the kind of stability she always wanted. Then Stephani Harper asks her to lead a grief group for the families of agents, but of course she doesn’t know the secrets the families are keeping. She works to help the families, but quickly finds herself caught up in the collateral damage of IFDOM’s 70 year old secret.
As the secrets compound and Finn and Trent struggle to match the resources of the shadow organization time is against IFDOM.
The explosive conclusion to the trilogy…

A novella set in the Liberty universe.