
As I continue to edit and prep the Liberty Trilogy for publication I kept being struck with the same thought– I wish there were a way to tell more of the secondary characters’ stories without pulling away from the plot.

Then it dawned on me… I can do just that in some short-stories / novella.

This is a later down the road project, but it really made me excited to think that some of these characters will finally get to have their stories told. I knew I only wanted to do three books in the series, but these would be outside the chronology, tie-ins, but not part of the primary story.

Very exciting prospect for down the road assuming the world enjoys these books half as much as I have!


Updates coming

Next month the website will be getting a mini-overhaul.


-Book synopsis

-Better Blog format

Thanks for going on the journey with me! More to come soon.


Not With A Bang…

Yesterday I thought I would be finished the 32 chapter book… Looking like it’s going to be a 35-36 chapter book after all, but hopefully finishing it today or tomorrow.

At this point well over 200k words into this word these characters deserve a proper finish to their story, and I want to make sure I don’t leave too many open doors.

Almost there!


Upcoming Schedule

Happy June readers!

I wanted to take a post and fill you in on my plans for the rest of this year.

2017 has been an ultra productive year for me so far from a creative standpoint. I have finished 3 rough draft novels, and a fair bit of editing. The fact remains I can be as creative as I want and that doesn’t put book in the hands of eager readers.


In August I will be attending the Killer Nashville Writers Conference. I will be going primarily to learn, and network, but with the secondary goal of finding an agent for the Liberty Trilogy. Writing For Liberty…, …With Justice, and Not With A Bang… has been a labor of love, but ultimately I think it’s a great adventure and I want to get it out there into the world.

The Liberty Trilogy will be my focus for getting it sold/published, and out into the world, but that won’t stop me from working on other projects as I have time.

Hakomi & I Saw You Naked are also ready to find a home and I will be working on some prospective art for them this summer.

The website will be getting more attention, and I will be blogging each step along the way to get the Liberty Trilogy released to the public.

Thanks for making this trip with me readers!




Let’s talk about what I have learned about agents. Full disclaimer I don not currently have representation as an author, so take these with a grain of salt as I clearly don’t have all the answers yet either.

1: They don’t like to gamble.

  • If your novel sounds like a wild stab in the dark they as business men and women are not likely to take a risk of you unless you’re a proven entity.

2: They like an established product.

  • I got the same feedback from many agents the first time I queried them. “You don’t have enough online presence.” I thought this was a weird thing to say as how am i going to get a social media following without books on the market for people to read? It’s possible, just get the idea that you’re a writer and you are set up to be around for the long haul. That gives agents the warm fuzzy that you will be actively engaged in selling your work.

3: Agents are there to sell a product, not coddle your artistic expression.

  • We authors like to invest ourselves into our work. We then hate having someone tell us to change, edit, or thin our work down. If we want an agent to put their talents of selling writing to work we need to be willing to meet them. It’s one thing to write just for yourself, but if you want it sold you have to be willing to make edits.


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