Want to give a shoutout/review to a fellow author Claudia Gray and her book Star Wars: Bloodlines.
As the giant nerd that I am, I have been reading Star Wars books since I was about 7 years old. So twenty+ years with this universe I know it about as well as anyone. Bloodlines was an outstanding read. For one with the new canon, and the myriad of questions fans have about the missing years between the movies, this gives us a glimpse of what Princess/General/Senator Leia has been up to. More than that, I actually like the politics, government, economics of the universe. I want to understand how we get to the action and war that we see in the movies. Claudia Gray does a great job of weaving plenty of action into her stories, while also giving the word the depth and attention it deserves.
I voraciously read this one in a day and a half.
Now back to writing!